December 9, 2009

Warm Up

Nothing like a warm beverage to warm up on cold days like today.

November 13, 2009

Unusual Post

I realize this post isn't actually MY OWN sketches, but for a few weeks now my lovely significant other has been inscribing my name on my lunch bags in a creative way. Here are some recent ones:

It's always a treat to see what she's come up with next! Thanks, dear.

October 23, 2009


It's been a few days since I've had a chance to post something. It's beard weather!

October 13, 2009

60-second cyclist sketch

I only had a minute or two to jot down something today. Here's what was on my mind this afternoon:

October 12, 2009

Work in progress, pt. 2

Here is the "final" product, as it will run in our publication.

October 9, 2009

Work in progress

As an artist working in advertising, I sometimes get to illustrate a concept manually. I thought I'd take this opportunity to show the steps of a recent project.

First, I sketch something pretty roughly on a sheet of paper. This is usually done in pencil.

Next, I'll outline it with a fine or extra-fine permanent marker. This image is then scanned into Photoshop, converted to vector art in Illustrator, and then integrated into an advertisement using InDesign.

I'll post the final piece once it is published.

October 7, 2009

Gear Head

I've been in a mechanical mood lately. Gears, moving parts, levers, and pulleys fascinate me.